English: Three weeks ago the people who live in Chacao, Caracas, could roam their streets on foot. The streets had been closed to traffic. They were taken over by musical groups and theater. But mostly there was just the joy of walking through the neighborhoods together with thousands of other like-minded people. The pictures show a band that had set up a space on the sidewalk in front of a store, and the Kashi-Bache Colective dressed as something like chickens from outer space. The last photo shows a member of the group in a Viking hat offering free hugs. I certainly accepted one!

Español: Hace tres semanas se cerraron las calles de Chacao, Caracas, al trafico y sus residentes pudieron habitarlas. Hubo grupos musicales y teatrales, pero sobre todo lo que se sentía era la enorme alegría de compartir espacios normalmente atestados de vehículos. Las fotos muestran una banda musical que se ubicó en la acera frente a una tienda, y el "Kashi-Bache Colective" vestidos como pollos extraterrestres. La última es de un muchacho con casco de vikingo que ofrece abrazos gratis. ¡Yo por cierto acepté uno!