English: The message drawn in the dirt of the back window of this car cannot be translated in all its local flavor. The author is clearly unacquainted with formal Spanish spelling but he knows that the language is phonetic. He has changed the consonant "v" for "b", because in Venezuela the two are indistinguishable in spoken language. This is a typical spelling mistake here. And he has divided a single word into two. Also he has used a very local word “pichirre” that means “stingy”. Translated the whole thing would be, "Clean me up, Stingy" -The combination is funny.
Español: Para entender el mensaje trazado en el polvo de la ventana trasera de este carro hay que hacer dos cosas: uno es asumir un cierto esnobismo y darse permiso a ridiculizar las faltas ortográficas del autor, y el otro es entender el idioma venezolano. Lo que quiso decir este intérprete creativo del castellano es: “Lávame, tacaño”.